Or keep playing Snapmap and arcade mode until the end of times. Want to play DOOM on a modern PC, but aren't sure where to begin This video's got you covered NOTE: Source ports do NOT include the game itself.
'Linux 5.9.2-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu, 17:01:28 +0000 x86_64') If the multiplayer doesn't appeal to you, you'll likely end up uninstalling it after a campaign run or two, but it's worth it. It would be nice if there is a unified interface for controlling the font size.įWIW, currently it does not change the font size of treemacs buffer, either. It does not change the size of hangul fonts that I have manually set. However, if I try to adjust the size of the fonts with doom/increase-font-size, ( set-fontset-font t 'hangul ( font-spec :family 'NotoSans CJK KR ' :size 15))